The Dunlap SDA church membership is growing and we have been looking at ways to accommodate this growth and plan for the growth yet to come. We are thankful to God for our growth but we need to pray for wisdom in how to best grow our physical plant, that we will be good stewards of the resources that God has given us. On this web page you will find current information on our expansion project as well a way to submit your questions and suggestions to those responsible for directing the expansion of our church. Here are the options you will be voting on:
Option #1 Expansion of the Church Sanctuary ONLY. Estimated cost $250,000. For more information on this option click here.
Option #2 Expansion of Sanctuary + attached lifestyle center. Estimated cost $1,000,000.00. For more information on this option click here.
Option #3 Building a Detached Lifestyle Center ONLY. Estimated cost $1,000,000.00. For more information on this option click here.
Option #4 I prefer to wait on expansion project - Parking lot will be completed as previously approved by church board vote.
Option #5 No physical church expansion. I support a church plant in surrounding area.
Over the past ten years our church and school family has gone thru a number of changes together. We have witnessed changes in our facility. We have experienced changes in our programs and worship services. We have seen changes in leadership and in membership. Yet through it all, we have been blessed in serving a God who is ever constant in His love toward us, who continues to lead us day by day, a God who changes not.
We are currently at a juncture where we must prayerfully seek God to guide us thru another decision as we are challenged with space for parking and room for members and visitors to worship together. As new members move into our area, and as our Bible study interests make decisions to join our church, we face a real need to be able to facilitate them. In the following packet you will find several options for meeting our current and future facility needs presented by the church master plan committee. As you review the following information, may we also consider counsel given in God's Word... “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it (Psalm 127:1).” Jesus said in Luke 14:28, “Which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” And the words of the wise King Solomon admonish us to “Trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, lean not unto your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths.” (Proverbs 3:3-6)
Each day we see new evidences of the nearness of Jesus coming. There will come a time when we will no longer be able to worship in a church facility. Yet we are also instructed to “occupy until He comes.” (Luke 19:13) One day buying and selling will no longer be an option for the true followers of Jesus. (Revelation 13:17) Silver and gold will be tossed out into the street and of no value. So how would God have us use our resources for Him now? Paul writes, but this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or out of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) These are points to be pondered prayerfully.
In Romans 13:8 apostle Paul admonishes us to be in debt to no one, except in love to one one another.
If we as a church family decide together to move forward in faith with one of the following options, may we be mindful that God has a thousand ways when we may only see one. May we be ever united in our mission of sharing the everlasting gospel with our community thru health work and Bible work. And finally, when the great day of His appearing arrives, may we together experience the joy of hearing our Savior say, “Well done my good and faithful servants, enter into the joy of my kingdom.”
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Rob
P.S. Some have asked about another option of planting a new church instead of making improvements or expansion to our facility. Currently this is not a viable option as it would take away from resources needed to finance our local church and school ministries. We do however, have a Mission group that was planted by our church just down the road in Whitwell; and it would be a blessing, for those who are willing, to worship and support them in local outreach some Sabbaths.
Letters from the Building Committee Members
Dear Church Family,
As our church family grows, two glaring needs have arisen. First, how best to accommodate our guests and members each Sabbath during our worship service. We definitely need extra sanctuary seating. Second, we need a facility to enable us to meet together evangelistically and socially. As our membership grows, so does our need to have a larger multi-purpose space. Our school gym has been able to accommodate us for some time but we are outgrowing this facility.
We have discussed different alternatives and this packet is designed to give you a thumbnail look at these options and choose what will best serve the needs of our church family. Unfortunately, this packet will not answer every question but hopefully it will give you enough information for you to make an informed decision. Of course, the Pastor/Master Plan Committee members are willing to take your questions and we’ll do our best to answer them for you.
Please make all our church plant needs a matter of much prayer. Also, discuss your thoughts and the enclosed ideas with your family and friends. Sharing and getting others insights and thoughts before you cast your vote will be beneficial. Once all votes are counted and a decision to move forward is made, I know that our church family will rally together to support the majority decision and be united to achieve our goals.
God bless each of you as you weigh the choices enclosed and vote for the option that you believe to be in our church’s best interest.
Jeff Blumenberg
Dear Church Family,
In order to do evangelism, we should meet in a separate location, so that people would feel comfortable about meeting with us in the community. Several community members have said that they will never step into our church. We are looking at off-site options for evangelism throughout Sequatchie County, to allow people to see us from a different angle. We could plan and schedule events such as Dinner with the Doctor, evangelistic series and group Bible Studies. More information will follow.
Arnoldo Moore
Dear Church Family,
Our church is growing. People are coming to Dunlap SDA church because (i) people are taking themselves and their loved ones out of the madness of the city and into the country and (ii) to attend a church where they and their family may be nourished to spiritual health. Dunlap is attractive because of the beauty of the valley, availability of land, and an SDA church that is noted for being friendly and delivering messages that stand firm on Bible principles.
To take care of these visitors and new members and their families, we need to plan wisely. If you carefully take a look around, you will see that there are a number of things we can do to make our church more accommodating to visitors. Also, we have a variety of space needs. We are running out of space for Sabbath school classes and we don’t have rooms suitable for holding receptions, baby showers, and smaller evangelistic programs. We need to take care of our visitors and members.
As you consider our church expansion project, take it to the Lord in prayer. There are many ways to spend our money but we want to spend it all for the glory of God. Take this matter to prayer regularly, talk with your fellow church members, and carefully look at our church and its members. Let us put our church on a good foundation for growth, to be a light to our community, and a strong tower for our families.
Ken Avila
Here are some download links with more information: